International Society of Innovation Methods

I-SIM is the world first and, so far only, international society dedicated solely for research, development, training, and promotion of innovation methods. I-SIM is a not-for-profit society.

Goals of the I-SIM:

Innovation methods are important. However, TRIZ is only one major part of the Innovation Methods. There are ample opportunities to integrate TRIZ and non-TRIZ innovation methods for much wider and better research and application opportunities. The goals of I-SIM thus include but not limited to:

  1. Providing a platform for Research, Development, and Promotion of innovation methods, tools, systems, and applications.
  2. Integrating various innovation methods such as TRIZ, deBono methods, biomimicry, etc., for synergetic usage.
  3. Providing complete and in-depth  training/consultation/database/tools/knowledge in the field related to Innovation Methods.
  4. Organizing related experts and organizations for win-win collaborations.

Full societal statement

Benefits of I-SIM membership include but not limited to:

  1. Free subscription to the electronic version of the International Journal of Systematic Innovation, IJoSI.
  2. Free access to a large database of more-than-600 articles, innovation projects, innovation software, etc. Access to Innovation Forum discussions on I-SIM web site.
  3. Discount on the participation of the International Conference on Systematic Innovation (ICSI). There will be opportunities to lean from and network with world-class SI experts. The savings on the registration will already more than offset the I-SIM membership fee.
  4. Discount on participation of Global Competition on Systematic Innovation (GCSI)
  5. Discounts on the training of innovation methods, tools, and knowledge. I-SIM offers full set of the internationally recognized certificates on Technical and Business TRIZ innovation training.
  6. Free access to IM related seminars, webinars, and software on-line.
  7. The planned bi-monthly newsletter share with you the latest news in the IM areas via e-mails.
  8. and many more, …

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